terça-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2013

On the Road

Song by Liz

Here we are
Driving in an old car
whithout worrying
Guided by the stars

Here we go
Through montains on the road
Chasing our
Sweet missing home

Let's take the road
Oh yes!
Where sadness can't take us
I swear!
Let's take the road
To nowhere
Whithout the fear of getting there

You can touch the sky
blue up so high
Watching clouds
Passing fastly by

But life is short
And living it is hard
The past is heavy
and so it is our heart

Let's take the road
Oh yes!
Where future is waiting us
I swear!
Let's take the road
To nowhere
Knowing how we will get there

But if your eyes can't see
anything but darkness
close then
and feel
the end is right
in the start

So let's take the road
whithout knowing where it goes
Let's take the road
Carrying nothing with us
just hope.

Andressa Liz

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